Congratulations to Professor Ronnie Shi-Kai Poon (ThM, 1985) for receiving the 2023 Alumni Distinguished Service Award in recognition of his Christian character, commitment to Scripture, and faithful service.
Ting-Pong Chan Article:
- 忠心教學
- 追貼時代、研究聖經
我是2003年入讀建道神學院的,那些年是用Bibleworks 軟件學習原文的年代。後來這軟件公司結業了,要學習轉用Logos軟件。有一兩次在網上請教潘仕楷老師有關Logos軟件的操作時,潘仕楷老師更 撥出寶貴時間教我使用新軟件研究聖經的內容。
- 球場健將、師生關係融洽
潘仕楷老師在神學院是一名運動健將,足球場、排球場、乒乓球場等也常見到潘老師的身影。我與潘老師較多在排球場上一起參與,總能在潘老師身上看見認真與投入, 師生們放下身份十分融洽,十分快樂。
潘老師更是著名英超球隊利物浦的忠實擁躉。 記憶中有幾次在神學院的早會講道時,潘老師也會引用利物浦球隊的情況作為比喻, 讓學生們更容易投入。雖然潘老師身體一直不太好,有一段時間更是被病毒感染,但他卻一邊試藥治療,一邊堅持教學,實在令人欣賞與敬佩。
- 愛心關懷學生
Samuel Lee Translation:
When I learned that Mr. Ronnie Poon (ThM, 1985) would be the recipient of the 2023 Alumni Award, I was overjoyed. Before my studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, I studied and received my first theology degree at Alliance Bible Seminary in Hong Kong where Ronnie taught for many years. Therefore, I am not only a fellow alumnus of DTS with Ronnie, but also one his many students. There are also several students I am currently serving with who were also students of Ronnie. This article summarizes four impressions of him from all of us.
1. Faithful Teacher
Mr. Poon is a dedicated teacher. I believe that other students at Alliance Bible Seminary will also all agree that he has a high standard for academic scholarship. A few students mentioned that during his daily devotions he would read the Bible in the original languages. When I heard that it really made me see that he was a teacher who was fully immersed in the original text.
Students who were fortunate enough to attend Ronnie’s New Testament and Old Testament classes expressed that he would explain the text with great detail. His great knowledge is evident in his in-depth analysis of both Greek and Hebrew, which enabled his students to understand the content and message of the passages they studied accurately and with great depth. When students had questions, he would also patiently take the time to answer their questions.
Ronnie is also passionate about biblical research. One student remembers that one time in class, Ronnie once showed a photo of a Bible manuscript, and in addition to explaining the Greek text, he excitedly pointed out that the key to the manuscript was the missing text on a hole in the manuscript!
2. Contemporary Scholar
Ronnie is a contemporary scholar of the Bible who is up to date with the times. Taking advantage of internet resources, he developed a Bible study website, hoping to share with others resources on how to better study the Bible. It also provided software to help people use the original languages so that more believers could understand the Bible more deeply.
I enrolled in Alliance Bible Seminary in 2003. In those years students used the software Bibleworks to study the original languages. Later on, the software company that produced Bibleworks shut down, and we switched to using the Logos Bible Software. When I would consult Ronnie with questions about Logos, he would take the time out of his busy schedule to teach me how to use it.
3. Building Relationships with Students through Sports
Ronnie is also known at the seminary for his passion for athletics, as he is often seen on the soccer fields, volleyball courts, table tennis courts, and others. I often played volleyball with him, and I could always see his commitment and dedication when playing. I also enjoyed how during these times, he would set aside his status as a teacher and assume a different role as he enjoyed the time with students.
Ronnie is an avid fan of the famous English Premier League club Liverpool. I remember a few instances when he was preaching at the seminary’s morning chapel, he would use illustrations from soccer as an analogy which make it easier for students to engage. Although Ronnie’s health had been suffering, and he was often sick, he always insisted on continuing to teach even while receiving medical treatment. This was something that really gained my admiration and respect.
4. Lovingly Caring for his Students
Ronnie is a teacher who cares for his students with love. Although he is an introvert, I get the sense that he enjoys spending time with his students. Every day after lunch, I would see him drinking a cup of coffee at the student center and chatting with students. Even after his students graduated and left the seminary, he would continue to follow up and see how they were doing. One alum recalled that when she got married, Ronnie sent her a note with his blessings, and from this short message, she really felt his care for her.
Ronnie is a kind and compassionate teacher. When he is aware of a student’s needs, he would always try to secretly help the student and contribute in whatever way he could. Ronnie can be said to be an extremely knowledgeable teacher, and at the same time gentle and kind.