African Inland Mission (AIM) has been sending missionaries abroad since 1895. At a recent AIM retreat, DTS alumni gathered for fellowship and a photo. The alumni pictured above have served in the US and internationally with Africa Inland Mission for a total of 107 years. Their service stretches across Africa in Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, and Madagascar—one couple has worked in Kenya for over thirty years!
AIM greatly needs theological educators, administrators, and Bible teachers. Over 90% of pastors in Africa have no formal biblical training. African Seminaries and Bible schools are eager to receive missionaries who are willing to live simply and serve humbly to train pastors and church leaders. AIM provides wonderful short or long-term opportunities for seminary graduates who want to deeply impact pastors and churches for generations. For more information visit
(Pictured left to right) Marvin (ThM, 1981), Jordan (ThM, 2021), Rebecca (MABS, 1986), Richard (ThM, 1970), & Shirley (MABS, 1988)