In March of 1991, a single question radically shifted Matt Glock’s life. During the World Evangelization Conference at DTS, Matt shared with Korky Davey, an evangelist with Open Air Campaigners UK, that he was finishing up his degree and open to where the Lord might lead him. Korky’s response was quite simple.
“Why don’t you come to Europe and do something useful?”
On June 18, 1991, Matt departed for Bristol, England.
Now, almost thirty years later, Matt and his wife, Sylvie, serve with the French Brethren Churches (Plymouth Brethren in the US). Their ministry operates on three levels: their neighborhood, Paris, and France. Sylvie serves primarily at the local level, engaging friends and neighbors with hospitality and compassion. Through this and other ministries, they have seen their small neighborhood church grow.
While Matt is not disengaged from the local context, his primary efforts are focused on the city and country level. He and his team are engaged with church revitalization and planting projects with the goal of expanding opportunities for residents to hear the gospel.
These gospel opportunities would not be possible, they believe, without placing their confidence in the efficacy of the Scriptures applied to hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit. They are convinced that loving well means being attentive to what God is doing around them. They are blessed to live in the same building as the meeting place of their local church. They need only step outside to see and interact with their neighbors.
Korky Davey’s question was only one of many interactions that had a profound impact on Matt. God used all his encounters to shape his character whether in the classroom, in the professors’ offices (Hannah, Burns, Pentecost, Johnson), in the dorm (Stearns 2nd floor), or on the basketball court.
While the classrooms, offices, dorms, and basketball courts of DTS are far from Paris, Matt and Sylvie Glock have continued their steadfast dedication to serving others to see Europe won for Christ.
Learn more about Matt and Sylvie’s ministry here.