We are here to serve you!
The Alumni & Career Services office continues to operate remotely to help you, your family, or your ministry during this season. Please email alumni@dts.edu or leave a message at 214-887-5100 with any questions or prayer requests.
DTS Coronavirus Updates
DTS has created a Coronavirus update website specifically focused on providing additional information to the seminary community. Please visit the website to view updates or donate to the Student and Staff Relief Fund.
Free Online Courses
Fill up some of the extra time freshening up on the gospels, Pauline epistles, church history, world missions, trinitarianism, and many other courses.
Church Resources*
- Tools for Churches Through the Pandemic
- 9 Key Tips for Planning an Online Worship Service
- The Need for Community
- On the Risks of Broadcast
- Moving Church to Online Worship: Some suggestions Sandra Glahn (ThM, 2001)
- Online Communion Theology and Practice John Dyer (MABS, 2006; ThM, 2008)
- Coping with coronavirus disappointments: Five lessons from Dietrich Bonhoeffer Brian Rosner (ThM, 1988)
*This list is not an endorsement of each resource but rather points for discussion.
Alumnae Prayer Meetings
DTS women alumni are welcome to join live Zoom meetings this month for a time of prayer and encouragement. Please email Jerry Lawrence (jlawrence@dts.edu) for the meeting link:
Tuesday, September 15, 7pm (CDT)
Tuesday, September 29, 10am (CDT)