Andy Shurson (ThM 10) uses DTS lessons on a daily basis

Alumni Spotlight

I currently work as a writer and content editor for Discipleship in Context. I produce customized small group and Sunday school curricula. I teach truth by writing biblically-centered lessons. Lessons are designed to be used by churches to fit their context and lead people along the path of discipleship. I love well through serving the church. My goal when writing is to write lessons that fit the discipleship goals of whatever church or ministry with which I am working. I want to make it easy for the church to shepherd and lead her people.

My fondest memories came from a close group of friends who I studied with at DTS. We encouraged one another through difficult assignments and formed relationships that have lasted as we have spread out across the country. I always look back and remember my favorite teachers like Dr. Hannah, Dr. Allman, and Dr. Svigel. Inevitably, a phrase or idea that I gained from a class seems to find its way into a lesson.

The greatest contribution that DTS made for my preparation was teaching and equipping me to be a student of the Word. The foundation of biblical knowledge and exegetical methods is invaluable to me on a daily basis as I write lessons for churches in numerous contexts.