BEE World | John McLaughlin (MABS, 2010)

Alumni Spotlight

Pictured above from left to right: Larry Burns, John Attwood (MACM, 1991), Jody Dillow (ThM, 1969; ThD, 1978), Phil Leach (ThM, 1989), David Semmelbeck (MACE, 1991; MABS, 1991), Natalie McLaughlin, John McLaughlin (MABS, 2010), Shan Lewis. Not pictured: Arch Rutherford (ThM, 1971), Elaine Vitali (CBS, 1989), Larry Nees (ThM, 1976; DMin, 1998), Mary Waters, Norm Miller, Paul Tanner (ThM, 1981), Robert Lowe (MABS, 2009), Stephen Lewis (ThM, 1986), Cleon Rogers III (ThM, 1980; ThD, 1991) unnamed graduate working in a closed context.

I currently serve with Biblical Education by Extension (BEE) World. Previously, I served for almost twenty years in the baseball department of Athletes in Action, the sports division of Cru. BEE World is dedicated to servant leadership; we carry out the Great Commission by ministry training through multiplication. Our methods integrate 2 Timothy 2:2 with Colossians 1:28.

And what you heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be competent to teach others as well. (2 Timothy 2:2, NET)

We proclaim him by instructing and teaching all people with all wisdom so that we may present every person mature in Christ. (Colossians 1:28, NET)

Much of our ministry training efforts focus on parts of the world where there is limited access to theological equipping, character development, and leadership training. Millions of pastors and church leaders around the world have little to no biblical training.

At BEE World, we model our method of national discipleship after Jesus, walking with a group of church leaders for multiple years and helping them use their God-given gifts to serve in their distinct cultural setting. We fulfill the DTS goal to “love well” by crafting our training courses to match the essential needs these international church leaders express. As a result, many church leaders are equipped to lead their churches to greater biblical depth and spiritual maturity.

My fondest memories of DTS all go back to the relationships I built with professors, some of whom I interact with to this day! I also appreciate the chapel services and the unique moments of worship in community.

I believe the greatest contribution DTS has made has been helping me understand the idea of nurturing a heart for God and others with a deeper understanding of God’s mercy, grace, and compassion. Because of my time sitting under DTS professors’ teachings, my love for God, His Word, and the people of the world have deepened and widened exponentially.