Brian Frost (MABS, 2001)

Alumni Spotlight

I started Share the Gospel Ministry in Dallas, TX in 1999 working as an Evangelism Trainer. I have been encouraging and helping Dallas Theological Seminary Evangelism students with sharing the Gospel. I also worked with Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Evangelism students for seven years.

For the past thirteen years I have been going out and doing personal evangelism with DTS students at colleges, coffee shops, and malls. After the evangelism students and I have shared the gospel, the most common response that many of them express is, "Sharing the gospel was not as difficult as I thought it would be!" I get excited when brothers and sisters in Christ are encouraged to share the gospel with their family, friends, and co-workers.

Share the Gospel Ministry has developed a seminar for churches and small groups that helps believers share the Gospel with greater clarity and ease. The two-hour seminar includes a Bible Overview, Evangelism Training, Apologetics, and Role Playing. I also take great joy in praying for specific needs of people as a way to encourage them.

DTS prepared me to teach truth and love well in many ways. I came to DTS as a new believer, and Chaplain Bill and others encouraged me to be a godly man when life circumstances weren't always easy. I am thankful for Dr. Constable praying for the specific needs of students in his classes. Professors were always friendly and giving of their time when I had questions and needed to talk. Additionally, as a student who had a low income while studying at the seminary, the generous donors of DTS provided scholarships to assist me with the cost of tuition.