Chloe Sun (STM, 1998)

Alumni Spotlight

Dr. Chloe Sun (STM, 1998) joined Fuller Theological Seminary on July 1, 2023, as Professor of Old Testament/Program Director of the Chinese Studies Center. Prior to this appointment, she served at Logos Evangelical Seminary for over eighteen years as the Old Testament faculty and the Academic Dean for a term. She has written and published Conspicuous in His Absence: Studies on Song of Songs and Esther (IVP Academic, 2021) and Attempt Great Things for God: Theological Education in Diaspora (Eerdmans, 2020) in both English and Chinese. She also speaks at churches and conferences, locally and internationally.

She defines truth as speaking truthfully, with integrity, not misleading or lying; love is long-suffering, patient, respectful, and caring. In ministry—particularly when working with people and students—embodying truth and love builds trust. A simple greeting such as, “How are you doing?” “Is there anything I can pray for you?” or “Please let me know how I can support you!” can go a long way in communicating love.

DTS played a formative role in her teaching ministry.

I remember some of the sermons to this day. The singing of hymns in a concerted voice at the chapel service will forever be etched in my mind.

As a current faculty member at Fuller Seminary, she has developed a deep appreciation for the excellent faculty at DTS who care about the students and instill the love of God and people in the students’ hearts. Some of the quotes from the DTS faculty have shaped her vocation as a teacher of the Word. Howard Hendricks once said, “The day you stop learning is the day you stop teaching.” That statement has since become one of the mottos of her ministry.

The faculty at DTS has demonstrated what it means to teach truth and love. They often show interest in the lives of the students in a respectful manner, which has impacted her interactions with her students. Though she humbly admits she still has a lot to learn about teaching, personal growth, and professional development, the exemplary role models of the DTS faculty will continue to inspire her in this journey of learning and becoming.