Chris Nogueira serves as President of American Tract Society (ThM 00, DMin 07)

Alumni Spotlight

I currently serve as President and CEO of the American Tract Society (ATS) and the International Tract Society (ITS).  As a gospel publishing ministry we provide evangelism tools for churches, mission organizations, Christian bookstores, and individual evangelists to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide.

I was blessed with good friendships with some of the DTS professors such as Dr. Roy Zuck, Dr. Larry Waters, Dr. Ramesh Richard, and Dr. John Reed. One of the highlights of my DTS experience was being part of a group that was mentored by Prof Hendricks. Another great ministry experience at DTS was managing one of the seminary owned apartments on Ross Ave. My wife and I built great friendships with students at the apartment complex. We still keep in touch with many couples from the Ross Apartments who are here in the United States and around the world. God has given us a great opportunity to work with some of these couples over the years.

DTS has made a great impact in my life and ministry. My relationship with some DTS professors contributed significantly to my personal spiritual growth. My studies at DTS strengthened my faith and developed my skills for ministry.  Participating and leading a spiritual formation group at DTS also helped sharpen my ministry gifts and gave me the opportunity to minister to fellow students and develop a deeper passion for the lost.

For more information about ATS and ITS visit their website at or contact them at 800-704-7672.