Created in the Imago Dei

Alumni Spotlight

Christina Siriwardena (MA/MC 13)

My husband, Brian (MA/CE 09), and I moved to Cincinnati, OH, four months ago. We relocated here so Brian could participate in a church planting residency program with Christ the King Church. In March, I will begin working as a Customer Relations Specialist for Delta Airlines. Since moving here, we have organized a weekly fellowship after our 5 pm service; I've facilitated a six-week women's Bible study by Priscilla Shirer, and we are preparing to co-lead a small group this spring. 

My fondest memory at DTS was meeting my husband. Besides that, I have wonderful memories of learning about creativity from Prof Hendricks, Dr. Lawson, and Dr. Grant. It was not until I came to DTS that I fully recognized that creativity was a gift from the Creator Himself, and that we, being created in the imago dei, should utilize this gift according to His will.

Without DTS, I don't know that I would ever have the understanding of the Bible the way I do now. Studying all 66 books of the Bible gave me a better understanding of God's love for the world than I have ever had before. With this new knowledge, I have the courage to go out and proclaim the Gospel through teaching it and showing God's love to others.