Jay Weesner (ThM 11) remembers class with Prof Hendricks

Alumni Spotlight

Currently I teach the Ascension Sunday School class at First Baptist Church of Garland. It's an all-ages class with members ranging from age 17 to 57. I also teach a beginning and intermediate art class at FBCG where the students get to experience a small taste of creativity that the Creator felt. 

I am a freelance Graphic Designer which allows me to make my own hours and a stay-at-home "puppy daddy." In the fall, I will be teaching beginning, intermediate, and advanced placement art classes with the Richardson Home School Association Co-op.

On my very first day of seminary, I took Prof Hendrick's Creativity class. At that time I had a beard that had its own zip code and had applied for statehood. Prof walked in, stopped, and asked me, "What sayeth the prophet today?" It was awesome! Immediately after Creativity class, I had Prof's Bible Study Methods class. Walking together to that class, he took my arm as we strolled across campus. I'll never forget it. 

However, the greatest experience of my Seminary career was getting to know Dr. Jay Smith and Dr. Lin McLaughlin. They're much more than professors to me; they're family. Dr. Jay didn't teach me Greek; he taught me about life. Lin taught me how to be a non-pretentious Christian — that being transparent is the most valuable asset we possess as a believer. They affected me in a way they will never fully comprehend. The investment and time they put into my life is immeasurable. These two godly men helped shape me not only as a Christian, but also a man. If the only thing I gained from seminary was getting to meet them, then the money, effort, sweat, and tears was more than worth it. 

Oh, and let's not forget my buddy Matt Stone. We laughed, laughed, and laughed some more. He spent most of his time at seminary talking me off of the cliff.

The lost world doesn't need candy-coated, syrupy-sweet, water-downed Christianity. It needs the truth told in love, which can be extremely hard at times and one of the greatest challenges we face sharing the Gospel — DTS taught me how to share that truth in love. But, by far, the greatest contribution DTS gave me was the realization that my wife Karla is everything to me. I couldn't have made it through Seminary without her.

Photo: Jay with his dog, Boo