Leon Brooks III (MACE, 2013)

Alumni Spotlight

I am currently one of the Associate Pastors at Living Word Fellowship Church in Houston, Texas. I have been on staff at the church since September 7, 2004. I am the Associate Pastor of Family/Fellowship/Young Adults, and I teach a Bible Study for Young Adults every Tuesday night. In addition to my role at the church, I also have a ministry called LB3 Ministries where I am a speaker and a stand-up Christian comedian. As a result, I have had the opportunity to speak at camps, conferences, retreats all over the US from Atlanta, California, Nebraska, Tennessee, Colorado, and all parts of Texas. I have also done comedy at many churches and other ministry organizations. The unique thing about me is I bring a different dynamic when I come and speak because I bring a comical bent to the presentation.

To teach truth and love well is something that I have learned to mesh very well during my time at DTS. At the seminary, there is a high accountability to be true to the text and at the same time get the correct correlation of what God is trying to communicate to a particular audience. This is the living Word we are handling (Hebrews 4:12). By loving well is to serve with humility. It means we understand that we are no better than anyone else is so we minister with a sense of compassion for others.

Some fond memories I have from my days at DTS are some of the great relationships that I made. It was great just to see the diversity in the body of Christ and how people are wired differently to serve Him. I also loved learning from all the great professors. I loved all the reading and writing all the papers; I learned so much.

My time at DTS helped me see how big the world is and how it needs to be reached with the message of the gospel. They also helped me embrace my uniqueness with my gifts and talents and how I had a place in the Lord's plans and purposes. The education I received at DTS contributed so much to my preparation and service to our Lord. I am humbled by the experience.