Love like a Servant

Alumni Spotlight

Luke Perkins (ThM 2013)

“Don’t go finding another country to serve in, you both belong here with us.”

As graduation drew closer, those words from my friend Maxime from Quisqueya Chapel in Port-au-Prince just a couple summers before continued ringing in my ears.

I came to DTS in 2007 intent on going to New England and pastoring a church. Seven years and three kids later, the thought of doing anything other than returning to Haiti full-time to disciple pastors is inconceivable. After 14 years of going back and forth on short-term trips, and a year of serving on staff at the chapel, Haiti and her people have captured our hearts. The call of the Lord is clear – my wife Becca and I belong there.

Last June, Becca and I were appointed as missionaries to Haiti with Crossworld. We’re excited to be serving with STEP Seminary in Port-au-Prince where I will teach classes and lead discipleship groups. You can learn more about our ministry at

Currently I serve on staff at DTS as an Admissions Counselor. In this role, I represent DTS in various places across the country as we visit with students who are considering joining our student body. One of the best parts of this job is getting to know new students and helping them as they are just beginning to engage their calling to ministry. What a privilege it is to have a front row seat for this!

One of my most significant memories as a student was taking the Upper Room Discourse with Dr. P in one of his final semesters of teaching. Each day he stepped up to the podium, opened his Bible (nothing else) and blew us away with his insights. I found I couldn’t type fast enough as I took notes. I’ll never forget that semester, walking past the statue of Jesus washing Peter’s feet every day on my way to listen to Dr. P walk us through one of the most intimate passages of Scripture.

DTS grounded me in the Word. My confidence in the Scriptures grew as I studied the languages. My knowledge of them was developed as I struggled through argument papers and constructed Bible charts.

DTS taught me to think theologically. Recently, I completed the ordination process at Grace Bible Church here in Dallas. As I stepped into my ordination exam, I found I was able to think on my feet – not because I’m smart, but because I had already wrestled with the issues under the supervision of a world-class faculty.

DTS taught me to love like a servant. Of course the lessons in the classroom were important. But I learned something else as I interacted with professors over enchiladas in the West End and over subs at Jimmy’s food store: our job is not to flaunt our knowledge, but to wash people’s feet. I saw them live this truth out again and again as they poured into me over the years.

I feel like I showed up with a hammer and a screwdriver, and I’m leaving with a chest full of tools that will last for a lifetime. As Becca and I transition to ministry in Haiti, I’ll forever be grateful to the Lord for my years at DTS.