Lucas Christian Academy | Zoe Perryman (MACM, 2005)

Alumni Spotlight

Lucas Christian Academy (LCA) has an excellent relationship with Dallas Theological Seminary; four alumni currently work on staff (pictured above from left to right), including Harry Everett (MACE, 2014), Daniel Blair (ThM, 2017), Zoe Perryman (MACM, 2005), and Melanie Barfield (CGS, 2012).

Before teaching at LCA, Zoe Perryman taught at a public school and treasured the opportunity to be salt and light there. She started teaching right out of college and loved crafting math problems for her students to solve. In fact, during her six years of teaching, she was convinced that she would never leave the public system.

While sitting under the teaching of Tommy Nelson (MABS, 1982) at Denton Bible Church, Zoe realized her passion and hunger for learning God’s Word. She loved crafting math problems for her students, but she was passionate about finding solutions to biblical ones. She never thought she would attend seminary, but her hunger for answers drove her to DTS, where she eagerly jumped into classes. As she did, the Lord began changing her heart. She saw the need for teachers in Christian education who were willing to be involved with their students’ spiritual lives and were dedicated to biblical integration.

Seeing this need, she stepped into her role as a math teacher at LCA. There she had the opportunity to pour into students and ask her them the difficult questions—about math and God. One of the most common questions she faces is about anxiety. Not only can she model peace for her students, but her grounding in the Word of God has also given her wisdom—to answer their questions and to admit that sometimes she does not know how to solve them. DTS changed not only where she serves but also how she serves. She gained a confidence when talking about the Bible and an assurance in her belief that “Teaching well = Loving well.”

If you asked Zoe, that’s an equation worth learning.