The world of theological education, like all education, is rapidly changing. While the Word of God is eternal and will never change, how we teach and where we teach is a delicate quadrangle of fidelity, quality, availability, and flexibility. To help maximize present expertise and to continue attracting people of excellence to become students, faculty, and staff, I am pleased to announce the following administrative changes that will go into effect July 1, 2014. I am making this announcement now because some of the ramifications of this change must begin in the coming weeks.
As we have evaluated the potential at our Washington D.C. campus (so called although it is actually located in Manassas VA), and our strategic relationship with McLean Bible Church, we believe our recruiting potential continues to be high. In order to capitalize on such opportunities I am happy to announce that Mr. Josh Bleeker and his wife Eva will be moving to Manassas VA where he will assume the role of Director of DTS-Washington D.C. Josh's unique knowledge of DTS will allow him to serve as a "Jack-of-all-trades" for us with emphasis on Admissions, Recruitment, Student Advising, and general DTS Representation. This will also include, as time permits, developing Alumni relationships and making long-term recommendations concerning DTS presence on the east coast. Josh's stability and leadership in Admissions has been invaluable during this unique season of change that has occurred in Christian Higher Education as mentioned above.
While Josh's absence could certainly leave a big hole in the Admissions department, I am delighted to inform you that Dr. Greg Hatteberg is being promoted to serve as Dean of Enrollment and Alumni Services. Greg's unique skills, and former leadership experiences at DTS, position him well to provide oversight and direction of several key departments including Admissions, Alumni & Placement, and the Registrar's Office. Greg will serve as the Acting Director of Admissions for the 2014-15 year while a longer-term director is secured. Greg will continue to have an active leadership role in the Alumni department as his new title implies. We believe this consistency–beginning-middle-end of the Admissions-Registrar-Alumni lifecycle–will provide healthy continuity for our students that will assist with retention and long-term connectivity to DTS.
Both of these men, and the departments they lead will directly report to Dr. Mark Yarbrough and all of us will work as a team to strengthen these areas for the sake of fulfilling the mission of the Seminary. Please join me in congratulating both Greg and Josh in their new appointments.
Mark L. Bailey