Every pastor a trainer. All pastors trained. This vision for training pastoral leaders is what drives Ramesh Richard to initiate efforts designed to build the Church which are (1) scalable – able to address the global scope and scale of the need; (2) spreadable – easily able to be passed from person to person; (3) sustainable – able to survive (and thrive) over a long period of time; (4) “speedable” – able to be done more rapidly at time passes; and (5) stackable – with a multi-tiered footprint that allows for exponential multiplication. RREACH is continually looking for new ways to provide faster delivery of better training to more pastors at lower costs.
In 2010, RREACH started a two-decade human capital campaign called the GProCommission, designed to champion the training of large numbers of undertrained, isolated pastors by every effective and efficient means possible. In 2016, in Bangkok, Thailand, RREACH convened the first Global Proclamation Congress for Trainers of Pastors (GProCongress I). By God’s grace, and through great work done following the Congress, we were able to achieve our goals in the first decade (2011-2020), by providing training to more than 280,000 pastoral leaders.
Now in its second decade (2021-2030), the focus of the GProCommission has shifted, from increasing the number of pastoral leaders better trained, to multiplying the quantity and quality of pastor trainers. RREACH is now preparing for another historic event this November in Panama – GProCongress II. We need your help as we pursue the goal of raising up 100,000 new pastor trainers, who will train more than one million pastoral leaders, by the year 2030.
RREACH envisions up to 1,000 pastor trainers attending GProCongress II. This event hopes to gather the most effective trainers of pastors from all over the world. We will seek to build community, explore opportunities, discover resources, and exchange encouragement with trainers of pastors worldwide!
Would you please share this information with any individuals or organizations you know who are involved in pastor training? Our goal is to have 50% of those who attend be under the age of 50, so if you know any young pastors who need to come, please let them know about the upcoming Congress. Anyone who is a current or aspiring trainer of pastors can register for GProCongress II simply by going to www.gprocongress.org. We hope to see you in Panama this November!