Jeff Kinley (ThM, 1986)

Alumni Spotlight

I am President of Main Thing Ministries, a non-profit ministry whose mission is to equip and empower believers with God’s vintage truth. After 25 years serving in Student Pastor and Lead Pastor roles, Main Thing was birthed out of my growing ministry of writing and speaking. I love what I do and am privileged to pursue the passion and gifting God has given me!

There’s nothing like integrating the Word of God with people’s lives. As Pastor, I was fortunate to know my sheep well, and to take them deep into God’s truth each week. Teaching several times a week helped me not only hone my speaking skills but also developed a sensitivity to God’s people and the lost. My previous church ministry uniquely positioned us to reach the unchurched and formerly churched, exposing them to uncompromising biblical truth and fervent love. Because of this, we saw atheists, homosexuals, and drug abusers come to faith in Jesus. In my current role as full time author/speaker, I maintain a close connection with my audience – whether through social media, spending “off-stage” time with those who come hear me speak, or "face-to-face-time" in small group discipleship. Truth and love are still the twin sisters of ministry! (1 Thess. 2:7-9)

My four years at DTS remain some of my greatest memories to this day. My classroom time is etched in my mind, as I sat under some of the greats like Drs. Howard Hendricks, Dwight Pentecost, Mark Bailey, Darrell Bock, and John Hannah. I will never forget having Dr. John Walvoord over for dinner. Like other newly-married students, we scraped by on very little but were enriched by the strong support and fellowship of other couples. After a full day at Seminary, I would spend from 7-midnight each evening in study. And I am glad I did. My wife and I not only committed ourselves to each other during those years, but also to a lifetime of ministry together. She has been my greatest partner in the Gospel from Day 1. 

Dr. Hendricks used to joke about all the information we received at DTS, saying that when we graduated, we would feel like “A canon sent to kill a fly.” It didn't take long for me to realize what he meant, as the seminary went beyond the call of duty in preparing me to “preach the Word.” I’ve now written twenty-eight books, and could never have done so without being properly grounded in exposition and theology. My oldest son graduated from West Point, and I have often described DTS to others as the “West Point” of seminaries – tough, prestigious, and the very best at training a generation of leaders. Every time I open my Bible to study or teach, I do so with a confidence that was instilled in me through the intense training I received. And because of this, I am grateful to have reached hundreds of thousands with His vintage truth. Thank you, Dallas Theological Seminary!

For more info on my ministry go to

One of my books – Through the Eyes of a Champion – The Brandon Burlsworth Story, served as the basis for a major movie entitled GREATER. Widely considered to be the greatest walk-on in college football history, Brandon’s story will inspire and motivate you to rise above your circumstances and become the very best you can be for Jesus Christ! From the time I sold the movie rights to the movie’s release was eleven years. The producer’s perseverance is testimony to what each of us can do if we rely on His strength! The movie is in theaters now, and stars actor Neal McDonough from Band of Brothers and other blockbuster movies. My book has also been re-released in an updated “movie” version, under the title “GREATER.”

For information re: the movie GREATER, see