The Dead Church

Alumni Spotlight

Jordan Santos (MA[BS] 13)

During my time at DTS, the Lord blessed me with some incredible blessings and opportunities. The most significant, by the grace of God and through the equipping of DTS, was to be ordained by Dr. Chuck Swindoll and Dr. Stanley Toussaint at Stonebriar Church. This was something I would have never dreamed of.

DTS awoke a passion in my heart for the “Dead Church,” the people who are walking away from the Lord but still claim to follow Him. I believe the Lord, through DTS, has called me to be a catalyst for change in the Dead Church. I am the founder of The Dead Church Movement and am currently in conversations with David C. Cook Publishers on a book project. Without the ministry of DTS and the equipping I received, none of this could ever happen.

I currently serve as a Teaching Pastor on staff at Oasis Church in the Fort Lauderdale area. DTS equipped me to rightly handle the word of truth and to systematically teach God’s word in a way that is thought provoking and uncompromising. I hope to begin my DMin program at Knox Theological Seminary here in Fort Lauderdale early next year where I’ll have the opportunity to study under pastor Tullian Tchividjian.

God has been so gracious and faithful in my life. He gave me the best helper ever in my bride, Brandi. Without her, I couldn’t have made it through DTS to where I am now. God used my time at DTS to teach me what it meant to be a godly husband and leader amidst serious trial. Working full-time and doing DTS full-time was a huge challenge, but so fruitful. 

My fondest memories of DTS were the times I got to learn under Dr. Horrell, Dr. Toussaint, Dr. Anderson, and Dr. Yarbrough. Those men changed my life and I am so grateful. Some of my lifelong friendships also have come from times spent with classmates outside of class—Coal Vines anyone? What a blessing to be a part of the DTS family. I’m humbled and forever grateful for the impact DTS had on my life.