The Tale of a Missionary Musician | Phillip Hill (MABS, 2015)

Alumni Spotlight

To Phillip Hill, music will always be one of the most important means of communicating truth. For this reason, he started Phillip Hill Music in 2019. Through songwriting, he teaches truth globally by poeticizing Scripture and biblical doctrine with original melodies in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, and Greek.

Phillip is currently serving as a full-time missionary in Greece through his home church, Brazilian-Hispanic Christian Church in Carrolton, TX. For the past year, Phillip has been evangelizing and teaching on the Island of Crete through Hellenistic Ministries, working to spread the gospel to both Greeks and Muslim refugees. Prior to Greece, Phillip served as a street evangelist and evangelism teacher in Israel.

When reflecting on his time at DTS, Phillip was continually struck by the professors and their love of God’s Word and their students.

While studying at DTS, I had the tremendous honor of learning from servant-leaders who have devoted most of their lives to studying God’s word and serving the people of God. I am especially gratefully for the investment Dr. Stanley Toussaint made in my life. Both his exceptionally insightfully teaching and personal counseling left an indelible impression upon my heart and ministry. I believe Dr. Toussaint’s impact on my life is a representation of the impact all members of the DTS faculty have upon their students.

My fondest memories of DTS include the moments outside the classroom when fellow students shared how their professors wisely counseled them through life challenges while meeting during office hours. Most of my classmates rejoiced to learn when we arrived at DTS that we not only had amazing professors but also wise counselors. 

By teaching and reinforcing the discipline of thorough study and exposition of the Word of God, DTS prepared Phillip to know truth and to communicate it faithfully in different cultures and through different means. Whether this missionary musician is sharing Christ with a refugee family or composing a worship song, he works with an open Bible as a servant of truth and promoter of sound doctrine.

Editor’s note: Learn more about Phillip’s ministry at Wisdom For Living.