
Recent Alumni Visits

See who’s been stopping by the alumni office or reuniting around the world!

For the Nations: Refugee Outreach | Cameron Mullens (ThM, 2011)

Cameron Mullens (ThM, 2011) paces across a room in a worn, weathered church building. He gestures and scrawls on the whiteboard in front of more than a hundred students. Women with heads covered with teal, crimson, or black glittery scarves sit in one section, while other women scatter themselves among

President Mark L. Bailey, Ph.D. Announces Future Retirement Date

FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Dear Dallas Theological Seminary Family, On Friday, October 26 in my report to the Seminary Board I announced my future retirement plans as president of Dallas Theological Seminary and want to share them with you.  After much prayer and discernment, I am announcing my