
Recent Alumni Visits

See who’s been stopping by the alumni office or reuniting around the world!

Doug (ThM, 1968) and Detra Blair

Doug and Detra reside in Ontario, Canada where Doug is retired and serves as an interim pastor and member of several boards.

Sam (DMin, 2001) and Elaine Harbin

Sam is the Chair of the Bible and Theology Department at Lancaster Bible College in Lancaster, PA. He and Elaine are celebrating their 36th anniversary.

Sage Pruett (ThM, 2018), Jacob Drew, and Dave Hummel (ThM, 2016)

Sage, Jacob, and Dave were roommates at DTS. Sage just graduated and currently works at DTS. Jacob is finishing up his final hours this summer for the ThM and MABC. Dave is the Pastor for Education & Discipleship at Yorkshire United Methodist Church in York, PA. Sage and Dave were also