
Recent Alumni Visits

See who’s been stopping by the alumni office or reuniting around the world!

God Brings Physicians to Liberia

“Why is it that God doesn’t love black people?” This question was posed to me by an eight-year-old Liberian schoolgirl at the Carver Mission school twenty-five years ago.

Counseling Mental Health

According to the National Institute of Health, 1 in 4 adults in America (e.g. your family, friends, coworkers and congregations) will be diagnosed with a mental health issue.

Thank God for DTS

And thank God DTS stands strong in solid biblical doctrine in an antagonistic world culture.

The DTS Invasion

I can remember saying to Rosie in the early 90s, “I’ll just try one course at DTS if they let me in. It might not be what I’m looking for.” Well, they let me in, and that one course was Bible Study Methods with Prof Hendricks.