Former DTS World Missions professor, Dr. Walt Baker (ThM, 1957) peacefully passed away on January 21, at the age of ninety.
Baker was on faculty from 1974–2008 as associate professor of Missions, advisor of Student Missions Fellowship, organizer of the annual World Evangelization Conference, and an adjunct professor of World Missions and Intercultural Studies (1995–2002). Baker also served as a resident mentor at The Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership and after retirement served at DTS as associate professor emeritus of World Missions and Intercultural Studies (2002–08). He wrote “Obadiah” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary (Victor Books) and articles on short-term missions for multiple mission magazines. He is well known for the Summer Missionary Internship (SMI) in which the Bakers took groups of students to live and work with them for eight weeks in Haiti, under the auspices of Unevangelized Fields Missions (now Crossworld). They purposely choose a mix of students from seminary, Bible colleges, and secular universities to work in the mission field.