The DTS Centennial Master's Open 2024 Teams

Team One: Paul Pettit, Greg Hatteberg, Doug Cecil, and Tim Cecil
Team Two: David Harris, Scott Harris, Jim Wilkerson, and Doc Wilkerson
Team Three: Bill Brewer, Phil Humphries, Justin Humphries, and Terry Briley
Team Four: Eric Pardue, John Weary, John Herber, and TBD
Team Five: Seth Master, Coby Scott, Jack Fisher, and Chris Williams
Team Six: Chad Brantley, Brad McKerley, Shai McKerley, and Trey Weir
Team Seven: Tommy Foreman, Billy Eaton, Roger Adams, and Kevin Phillips
Team Eight: Paul Weaver, Stephen Kim, David Klingler, and Warren Truesdale
Team Nine: Ben Penfold, Ben Lowery, Ron Boruff, and Craig Fletcher
Team Ten: Lance Keith, Leslie Gregory, Robert Meek, and TBD
Team Eleven: Bob Flickner, Blake Flickner, Roger Raymer, and Mark Murdock
Team Twelve: Josh Connor, Keegan McCarthy, TBD, and TBD
Team Thirteen: Stephen Brown, Tracey Mitchell, Damien Williams, and Henry Batson
Team Fourteen: Ken Roberts, Keith Roberts, Khris Roberts, and Derek Sutt
Team Fifteen: James Hu, Debra Hu, Arturo Villalobos, and Ashley Villalobos
Team Sixteen: Rich Roush, Scott Berry, Daniel Zandstra, and Josh Rivera