
Alumni Spotlight

Monthly Article

Ukraine: In the Midst of War | Bob Hicks (ThM, 1976; DMin, 1988)

LITTLE DID I KNOW November 2018, I was in Ukraine for my fourth trip in four years.  Covering four cities, I spoke with groups of Ukrainian military chaplains, psychologists, soldiers, and military academy cadets in addition to widows and parents of fallen “heroes.”  Little did I know, just a couple of days after leaving Kiev,

Ukraine: In the Midst of War | Bob Hicks (ThM, 1976; DMin, 1988) Read More »

Brian Frost (MABS, 2001)

I started Share the Gospel Ministry in Dallas, TX in 1999 working as an Evangelism Trainer. I have been encouraging and helping Dallas Theological Seminary Evangelism students with sharing the Gospel. I also worked with Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Evangelism students for seven years. For the past thirteen years I have been going out and

Brian Frost (MABS, 2001) Read More »

Brian Welsh (ThM, 1985)

Aloha! I am Kahu Brian Welsh from historic Haili Congregational Church in Hilo, Hawaii. I will quote from our weekly bulletin about this unique ministry. "The working of God can be first documented in the early history of Haili Congregational Church. First, God used the zeal of Henry Opukahaia, the first Hawaiian convert to Christianity, to

Brian Welsh (ThM, 1985) Read More »