Alumni Spotlight

Jason Peters (DMin, 2007)

Jason serves as Associate Vice President of Connection for The Voice of the Martyrs. His travels and opportunities allow him to teach truth and love well world-wide. He shares how DTS helped prepare him for this important ministry.

2015 Distinguished Alumni Service Award | Vickie Kraft

“Vickie spent a lifetime distinguishing herself as a faithful servant of Jesus Christ. Prior to receiving her degree from DTS in 1985, as one of the first women graduates of DTS, Vickie had already spent years teaching Bible studies and serving in various ministries. Vickie has always ‘multiplied’ her efforts. This was one of her ‘core’ values in Christian ministry, teaching, mentoring, and discipleship.”

Cleon Rogers (ThM 1980, ThD 1991)

I have learned a key to teaching truth and loving well is the word “and.” It is not possible to teach truth well without loving well and vice versa. It is our responsibility to invest time and effort diligently in knowing God and living His Word. This process produces changes that lead to loving the things that God loves; his church and those who do not know Him.

Matthew Bailey (ThM, 2013)

I learned that being like Jesus means getting your hands dirty outside the classroom. You cannot be a disciple of Jesus and only feed your mind. From Greek and Hebrew professors navigating through textual issues with the hearts of pastors, to counseling and pastoral professors teaching us how to love and care for people with the minds of theologians, I am indebted to the warm hearts and sharp minds of the DTS faculty.

Fred Campbell (ThM, 1970)

“…love comes from being involved with people, understanding them, listening to them, caring for them, and growing and developing in relationship with them. You might say a pastor’s preaching attracts people to the church, his love keeps them there.”