Recent Alumni Visits
See who’s been stopping by the alumni office or reuniting around the world!

Bill (ThM, 1985) and Stacey McConnell
Bill and Stacey came by the office to pick up their Centennial mug!

Jia (Jenny) Xiong (MACE, 2020) and Dachih (David) Tang
Jia Xiong and Dachih and his wife Jennifer stopped by to start off our centennial week visits! We’re so excited to see who else shows up this week!

Richard Munala (ThM, 1996) and Jane Munala
Richard and his wife Jane stopped by our office today. We’re so glad they came to see us and all the campus updates. We’re grateful for them and their marriage ministry in Kenya.

Joe (ThM, 1987) and Diane Braden
Joe and his wife Diane stopped by our office today for a mug. Joe and Diane have been pastoring at the same church in St. Louis, Missouri since 1996. We’re thankful for their faithfulness and grateful they spent time with us!

Lincoln Roth (ThM, 2017)
Lincoln and his family stopped by to see us! We’re so glad they made time to say hello and grab a mug.

Centennial Korean Alumni Lunch//Dallas, TX
Join the Alumni Office for a complimentary Centennial Korean Alumni Lunch in Dallas, Texas as we celebrate one hundred years of the Lord’s faithfulness to Dallas Theological Seminary! The lunch will begin directly after the Legacy Center Dedication (12:30 p.m. at the earliest) on Wednesday, October 23 at Peak Street

Reuben Misiime (MACE, 1991) and David Rice
Reuben Misiime stopped by our office today. It was a delight to hear about all the Lord is doing in Uganda through AMG, which sponsors children and provides education and healthcare along with pastoral training. We’re grateful for Reuben and his ministry.

ETS Breakfast
Join the Alumni Office for a complimentary ETS Breakfast in Boston, MA! We’ll let you know the breakfast details closer to the event. We look forward to seeing you there!

SBL Dinner
Join the Alumni Office for a complimentary SBL Dinner in Boston, MA! We will let you know the dinner details once we’re closer to the event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Brett Hilliard (ThM, 1996), Tim LaTour (MABS, 2004), Kevin Kusunoki (ThM, 2019), and Emily Kusunoki (MABC, 2020)
Things change, and in big cities like Chicago or New York, things change even faster. The faster the pace, the more we become unsettled. Like a yellow highlighter, transience underscores our need for permanence. We cry out for something steady, something that remains through the change. Sometimes, after frequent exposure

Media Arts and Worship//Arts Week 2024
Join the Media Arts and Worship Department as they welcome their founder, Dr. Reg Grant (ThM, 1981; ThD, 1988), as their plenary speaker for Arts Week! Dr. Grant will deliver chapel messages at the Bailey Student Center on October 15 and 16 from 11–11:50 a.m. We invite all DTS students,
DTS Alumni Connection//October
Staying Connected Harry G. Titcombe (ThM, 1950) celebrated his 102nd birthday on August 11! While serving with Entrust, Dan (ThM, 1989) and Marge Hopkins visited with Arthur (ThM, 2010) and Olga (ThM, 2008) Alard and Steve (ThM, 2004; DMin, 2019) and Tanya Brix in South Africa. Arthur serves as International