
Recent Alumni Visits

See who’s been stopping by the alumni office or reuniting around the world!

Centennial Dinner with the President // Charlotte, NC

Join the Alumni Office for a complimentary Centennial Dinner with the president in Charlotte, North Carolina as we celebrate one hundred years of the Lord’s faithfulness to Dallas Theological Seminary! The dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 29 at Maggiano’s (4400 Sharon Rd, Charlotte, NC 28211). Attire

Centennial Alumni Dinner // Portland, OR

Join the Alumni Office for a complimentary Centennial Alumni Dinner in Tigard, Oregon as we celebrate one hundred years of the Lord’s faithfulness to Dallas Theological Seminary! The dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10 at Firehouse Restaurant (711 NE Dekum St, Portland, OR 97211). Attire is

DTS Alumni Connection // February

Alumni Updates Curtiss Wagner (ThM, 1982) serves on staff with Global Training Network and has traveled most recently to Rwanda, Mozambique, and Nepal to train over 170 pastors in the basics of ministry. The organization focuses on training pastors in the Majority World who have no pastoral training. Curt retired from

2023 Alumni Distinguished Service Award

Congratulations to Professor Ronnie Shi-Kai Poon (ThM, 1985) for receiving the 2023 Alumni Distinguished Service Award in recognition of his Christian character, commitment to Scripture, and faithful service. Ting-Pong Chan Article: 當知道潘仕楷老師獲得2023年度校友傑出服務獎的時候,內心非常開心。因為本人不單正在達拉斯神學院接受裝備,我第一個神學學位裝備正是在潘老師服侍多年的香港建道神學院。因此我與潘老師不單是校友的關係,我更是潘老師眾多學生之一。我現在服侍的團隊中也有幾位同樣是潘老師的學生。本文也結集了我們大家對他的4個印象。 忠心教學 潘仕楷老師是一位忠心教學的老師。相信建道校友們也會同意潘仕楷老師在治學上很認真。有校友提起他平常的讀經是會看原文聖經,當時感覺他是一個全心浸淫在原文中的老師。 有幸上過潘老師的新約及舊約書卷的課堂校友,表達他的講解十分詳細。不論在希臘文或希伯來文,也有深入的分析,可見他的博學,這也讓學生深入及精準地了解經文的內容及信息。在學生有提問的時候,他也會耐心地解答同學的疑問。 潘仕楷老師對聖經研究和教學都很有熱誠。有校友記得有一次他在上課時展示一幅聖經抄本的圖片,他不斷講解當中的希臘文,更興奮地指出關鍵在於抄本上洞口的文字。 追貼時代、研究聖經 潘仕楷老師也是一個追貼時代研究聖經的人,趁着網絡正發展的時候,他在網上設立一個關於研經的網站,希望可以和其他人分享研經的資料,也教導大家使用原文軟件,讓更多信徒能夠更深入明白聖經的真義。 我是2003年入讀建道神學院的,那些年是用Bibleworks 軟件學習原文的年代。後來這軟件公司結業了,要學習轉用Logos軟件。有一兩次在網上請教潘仕楷老師有關Logos軟件的操作時,潘仕楷老師更 撥出寶貴時間教我使用新軟件研究聖經的內容。 球場健將、師生關係融洽 潘仕楷老師在神學院是一名運動健將,足球場、排球場、乒乓球場等也常見到潘老師的身影。我與潘老師較多在排球場上一起參與,總能在潘老師身上看見認真與投入, 師生們放下身份十分融洽,十分快樂。 潘老師更是著名英超球隊利物浦的忠實擁躉。 記憶中有幾次在神學院的早會講道時,潘老師也會引用利物浦球隊的情況作為比喻, 讓學生們更容易投入。雖然潘老師身體一直不太好,有一段時間更是被病毒感染,但他卻一邊試藥治療,一邊堅持教學,實在令人欣賞與敬佩。 愛心關懷學生 潘仕楷老師是一位用愛心關懷學生的好老師。潘老師為人雖然寡言,但感到他喜歡和學生們在一起,每逢午飯後會見到潘老師拿着私家咖啡杯,在建道學生中心倒一杯咖啡,和同學們談天說地。即使同學離開建道後,在網絡上他也會關注學生的動向。有校友憶述就是在結婚的時候,潘老師向她送上祝福,短短的一句,感到老師的關心。 同時,潘老師也是一位令人感到慈祥的老師,知道學生有需要時,總會暗暗地幫助學生,為學生默默付出。潘老師可說是一位知識廣闊又溫柔慈祥的老師。

DTS Alumni Connection // January

Alumni Updates 1960s James W. Andrews (ThM, 1963) has served for over sixty years at Lake Bible Church in Lake Oswego, Oregon. 1970s Mark S. Hopper (ThM, 1975) married his wife, Susan, on Valentines Day after having attended the same church. David B. Wyrtzen (ThM, 1975; ThD, 1980) teaches Old Testament and biblical

Chris Miller (PhD, 1994)

For the past thirty-three years, I’ve had the delightful privilege of teaching Biblical Studies at Cedarville University. When I first embarked on my teaching career, I saw myself as a slightly older brother to my students, guiding them through their academic pursuits. As time went on, and my own children